MCHS AmeriCorps members gather from across Wisconsin
December 6, 2024

Over 60 MCHS Community Corps and Recovery Corps AmeriCorps members from across the sate gathered in Stevens Point, WI for the 2nd annual Fall Meet-up. The one-day event was filled with a combination of training and networking activities.
MCHS AmeriCorps staff Christina Garcia facilitated Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training, which taught attendees how to recognize someone in a mental health crisis and then get them the proper care they need. Members also gained insight from one of their fellow AmeriCorps members Dylan Bolin, who is serving at Milwaukee Riverkeeper, and gave an interactive and engaging presentation on public speaking. Additional activities for that day included roundtable discussions, networking activities, elevator speech practice, and some fun minute to win it games!
Attendees of the event walked away saying “It was very nice to meet other members and get to know them on a face-to-face basis” and “I truly love coming to events for AmeriCorps. I always leave feeling better connected to my service and purpose which set me on this path in the first place.”
MCHS AmeriCorps members from across the state will convene once again in person this coming March, for a larger three-day training event in Wisconsin Dells.
Marshfield Clinic - Recovery Corps AmeriCorps members share service stories as part of CDC Foundation efforts
October 2024
Two AmeriCorps members and a program director with Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS) Recovery Corps recently participated in a national campaign by the CDC Foundation to highlight the impact of Public Health AmeriCorps across the country. The campaign will share innovative and successful models developed over the past few years with Public Health AmeriCorps in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control to boost the public health workforce.
Earlier this month, the CDC Foundation released several videos highlighting the impact made by MCHS Recovery Corps AmeriCorps members as part of their service as recovery coaches providing support to individuals in recovery from substance abuse disorders and addiction. One of these videos, Public Health AmeriCorps: Recovery Corps Gets Things Done in Wisconsin, highlights the overall efforts of MCHS AmeriCorps throughout the state, with additional videos focusing on the service and stories of individual AmeriCorps members.
MCHS Recovery Corps AmeriCorps member Christian Johnson reflected following the recordings that “the opportunity to share both my story and successes was made incredibly smooth by all the wonderful people behind the scenes. My hope is that this interview will help people to understand why finding AmeriCorps is so important!” Christian is currently serving his second AmeriCorps term at Marshfield Medical Center-Eau Claire. He explains during his interview as part of the Public Health AmeriCorps: Helping Others with Recovery Corps video that he came to his AmeriCorps service through his own recovery. Having noticed that it was hard for people who not been through recovery to talk about it, including professionals, he started looking for ways that he could give back to others and address this, leading to his service with MCHS Recovery Corps.
MCHS Recovery Corps AmeriCorps member Julie Wilson, who is currently serving her second term at the YMCA of the Chippewa Valley in Eau Claire, is highlighted in another video, entitled Public Health AmeriCorps: Community Through Service. Julie discusses the Sober Strong program that she created to provide support to women in early recovery from substance abuse disorder, including how she was inspired to create the program based on her own experiences in early recovery. Reflecting on her participation in the project, Julie explained that “I found the interview and filming process with the CDC to be thought provoking. It helped me reflect on the past year (and beyond since I have been in recovery for 3 ½ years now) and realize just how much is possible. I went from having little hope for my life to helping women find hope for their lives. It has been an amazing journey.”
Videos featuring MCHS Recovery Corps

Marshfield Clinic - Community Corps AmeriCorps member organizes Manitowoc County resource fair
October 2024
While wrapping up her first AmeriCorps term with Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS) Community Corps at NAMI Inc. of Manitowoc County this summer, Amy Smith was actively planning a community-wide resources fair to highlight county-wide social services resources in Manitowoc County. The fair was designed to be attended by potential clients of the agencies participating in the fair, as well as community members who might want to volunteer with these organizations.
Amy realized that getting the word out for an event like this would be critical, explaining that “we don’t want to have a party and no one shows up!” Seeing advertising as a problem to be solved, Amy reached out to contacts at a local broadcasting company with several stations. These efforts were highly successful, as she recorded a radio ad that had 270 donated commercials running just before the event, an invaluable help in spreading awareness of the event.
By the time the event was held on September 9, over 30 agencies signed on to participate in the resource fair. Approximately 100 participants attended the fair to learn about all of the organizations and the services they provide.
Reflecting on the scope and success of the event, Amy’s host site supervisor, Donna Firman, Board President of NAMI Inc, of Manitowoc County, reflected that “it is not an exaggeration to say that there has never been an event like this in size, scale and quality in the decade that I’ve lived here. We are so proud of Amy - a perfect combination of heart, hard work and execution.”

MCHS Community Corps AmeriCorps members serving with Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes lead a group of scouts on an overseas adventure
September 2, 2024
When Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS) - Community Corps AmeriCorps members Sigourney Vandeveer, Miranda Schomberg, and Lauren David started their service last year at the Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes, they had little idea it would lead them to an overseas adventure this summer to chaperone a group of girls to Italy, Austria, and Germany in addition to all of their planned service activities.
MCHS Community Corps AmeriCorps member Lauren David explained that “I knew it was an option to chaperone a trip when I interviewed for Girl Scouts last summer. What I didn’t know is that it would be an international trip.” Reflecting on the opportunity, Lauren described that “I had always wanted to go to Europe, but it wasn’t feasible to take a trip there myself…I was so excited to be a part of this trip and to take in the cultures as much as I could.”
Over the course of nine days, they helped lead the participating girls through their travel and helped open their eyes to the world during their exploration of Rome, Pisa, Florence, Innsbruck, Munich, and the Dachau concentration camp. “I loved getting to know the people in my chaperone group and in the overall tour group. Watching them open up to new experiences was amazing,” said Lauren. “It was definitely one of the highlights of my service term and I will always be grateful to AmeriCorps and Girl Scouts for allowing me the chance of a lifetime.”
This sentiment was echoed by her fellow AmeriCorps members, with Sigourney Vandeveer beginning her detailed reflection on each element of the trip by stating that “it is appropriate that I begin by thanking with every fiber of my being the following: Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes, Marshfield Clinic Health Systems, AmeriCorps, Community Corps, EF Tours, and all the friends, family, and community members who helped me prepare for my first journey across the Atlantic. It was nine days to remember, though it peeled past, or maybe through me like lightning.” The trip provided her with the opportunity to visit many of the sites she had previously studied as a humanities major. Thinking back on her overall journey following their visit to Dachau on the final day before returning home, Sigourney explained how she “silently thanked my teachers, professors, mentors, and all the others in my life who’d taught me well and given me an appetite for learning and seeing the world as its true, beautiful, ugly, heartbreaking self.”
For more about Sigourney's service this year before the trip, check out the episode of The S-Files podcast featuring her service: Finding Joy Providing Opportunities through the Girl Scouts while serving with MCHS Community Corps
